Teacher Rotation (Compulsory Relocation) Scale Development

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İdris Şahin; Kadir Beycioğlu; Mehmet Sincar; Ferhat Çıkrıkçı


The purpose of this study is to develop a scale that can be used to determine the attitude of teachers towards rotation (compulsory relocation). Literature was reviewed, and scale items were prepared through the interviews with teachers and specialists in the field in order to fulfill this purpose. Data were collected from 514 primary and lower secondary school teachers in İzmir, Adana, Mardin and Gaziantep sample. Construct validity of measurement estimation was examined by applying exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on the data collected. It was found that the 20 item-scale had two dimensions, the first dimension including 11 items (constructive) and the second dimension including 9 items (obstructive). The construct validity scores of the scale were as followings: RMSEA = .077; SRMR = .047; RMR = .073; CFI = .95; NFI = .91 and GFI = .85, and re-test score was .73. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of Reliability was calculated as .97. It can be asserted that these findings present sufficient proof for the validity and reliability of the scale.


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İdris Şahin; Kadir Beycioğlu; Mehmet Sincar; Ferhat Çıkrıkçı. (2021). Teacher Rotation (Compulsory Relocation) Scale Development. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 267–287. https://doi.org/10.17762/kuey.v22i2.121