Research of Teachers’ Views on Effective School and School Leadership

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Celal Teyyar Uğurlu; Seyfettin Abdurrezzak


In this research, it is aimed to describe the role of school leadership behaviour and practices’ making the school effective according to teachers’ views. This is a qualitative study in which the state patterns was used. In the research, semi-structured interview form which is based on teachers’ views about effective school and school leadership was used for going datas. The study group is formed of 21 teachers who were selected via maximum diversity sampling method among the teachers working at 33 different secondary schools in Erzincan province, central district and in willages and towns connected the central district. In the research nine open ended questions about effective school and school leadership were asked and datas were analyzed, themes and catagories were identified by using context analaysis. As a result of the research teachers stated that an effective school is a school that includes social activities in it, and the most important subject of on effective school is “school principals”. According to teachers, the less important subject is school environment and families parts. Teachers sees school principals as school leaders and their biggest expectations are his/her encouragements, his/her coorperation efforts and his/her empathizing ability in personel relations when needed.


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Celal Teyyar Uğurlu; Seyfettin Abdurrezzak. (2021). Research of Teachers’ Views on Effective School and School Leadership. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 22(3), 401–428.