Student and Teacher Views on Educational Support and Training Courses

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Şenay Sezgin Nartgün; Ümit Dilekçi


This study aimed to identify the views of 8th graders who participated in the educational support and training courses and the views of teachers employed in these courses about the practice. The study, designed in the form of a phenomenology study. Semi-structured interview technique was used to collect the data, the data were collected in the first semester of 2015-2016 academic year. Students who were 8th graders at public high schools in the city center of Bolu and participated the educational support and training courses and teachers who were teaching at public high schools in the city center of Bolu and participated the educational support and training courses formed the study group of the study. Teachers and students have positive perceptions about the general evaluation of Educational Support and Training Courses and they believe that these courses mostly increase students’ motivation and classroom performances. While students mostly stated the positive effects of these courses as increase in their classroom participation, revision of topics studied, increase in their academic achievement levels and self-confidence levels and solving more examples, teachers stated that increase in their students’ classroom participation as the positive effects of these courses.


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How to Cite
Şenay Sezgin Nartgün; Ümit Dilekçi. (2021). Student and Teacher Views on Educational Support and Training Courses. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 22(4), 537–564.