Educational Administration: Theory and Practice <h2>Educational Administration: Theory and Practice</h2> <h3><strong>(Kuram ve uygulamada eğitim yönetimi)</strong></h3> <div id="content" style="font-family: Arial; text-align: justify;"> <div><strong>e-ISSN: </strong> <strong>2148-2403 | p-ISSN: 1300-4832 | Frequency 12 Issue Per Year | Nature: Online and Print | Language of Publication: English | Article Processing Charges: 1000 USD</strong></div> <div> </div> <div id="journalDescription"><strong>Introduction</strong> <br />The <strong>Educational Administration: Theory and Practice</strong> publishes prominent empirical and conceptual articles focused on timely and critical leadership and policy issues of educational organizations. The journal embraces traditional and emergent research paradigms, methods, and issues. The journal particularly promotes the publication of rigorous and relevant scholarly work that enhances linkages among and utility for educational policy, practice, and research arenas.</div> <div>The goal of the editorial team and the journal’s editorial board is to promote sound scholarship and a clear and continuing dialogue among scholars and practitioners from a broad spectrum of education.<br />Educational Administration: Theory and Practice presents prominent empirical and conceptual articles focused on timely and critical leadership and policy issues facing educational organizations. As an editorial team, we embrace traditional and emergent theoretical frameworks, research methods, and topics. We particularly promote the publication of rigorous and relevant scholarly work with utility for educational policy, practice, and research. <br />The journal’s primary focus is on studies of educational leadership, organizations, leadership development, and policy as they relate to elementary and secondary levels of education. Examinations of leadership and policy that fall outside K-12 are considered insofar as there are meaningful connections to the K-12 arena (e.g., college pipeline). International comparative investigations are welcome to the extent they have implications for a broad audience.<br /> <div class="row"> <div class="jumbotron" style="padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px;"> <p><strong>Basic Journal Information</strong></p> <ul class="list-group"> <li class="list-group-item show"><strong>e-ISSN: </strong> 2148-2403 | <strong>p-ISSN: </strong> 1300-4832<strong> | Frequency Quarterly (12 Issue Per Year) | Nature: Online | Language of Publication: English | Article Processing Charges: 1000 USD</strong></li> <li class="list-group-item show"><strong>Coverage Areas: </strong>Although the list is not prescriptive, EATP intends to focus on advances in the following sub-domains: <ol> <li>Expanded views and sources of educational leadership, including beyond the individual as leader</li> <li>Multiple purposes and outcomes of educational leadership (e.g., instructional, managerial, democratic, inclusive, social justice)</li> <li>diverse analytical/theoretical lenses (e.g., organizational, sociological, sociocultural, distributed, critical)</li> <li>address the influence of leadership and policy on educational practice and outcomes</li> <li>address the impact of diverse forms of leadership preparation and development</li> <li>consider how the organizational structure of districts and schools impacts leadership and improvement processes</li> <li>enrich our understanding of schools as agents of social change</li> <li>examine educational environments that promote equity and social justice for students and faculty</li> </ol> </li> <li class="list-group-item show" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Types of Papers: </strong>The Journal accepts the following categories of papers:<br /> <ul> <li>Original research</li> <li>Position papers/review papers</li> <li>Short-papers (with well-defined ideas, but lacking research results or having preliminary results)</li> <li>Technology Discussion/Overview Papers</li> </ul> </li> <li class="list-group-item show" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Peer Review Process: </strong>All submitted papers are subjected to a comprehensive blind review process by at least 2 subject area experts, who judge the paper on its relevance, originality, clarity of presentation and significance. The review process is expected to take 8-12 weeks at the end of which the final review decision is communicated to the author. In case of rejection authors will get helpful comments to improve the paper for resubmission to other journals. The journal may accept revised papers as new papers which will go through a new review cycle.</li> <li class="list-group-item show" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Periodicity: </strong>The Journal is published in 12 issues per year.</li> <li class="list-group-item show" style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Citation Analysis: <a href=";view_op=list_works&amp;alert_preview_top_rm=2&amp;authuser=4&amp;gmla=AJsN-F5AOTf9koiVb4mMnge1nvIYpBcY7PoFlS7XNtl34c6gRpNSvjK6iA78NYtUld9iVaAUnpjmiryRyjtkMjXvjrimgLnYnL7D17uOcGyvGsP6-pV0C2MOEAx8M27nzeo2qbpjuJo7&amp;user=5biXhQwAAAAJ" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> | <a href=";src=s&amp;st1=Educational+Administration+Theory+and+Practice&amp;sid=af17d52d0819bd9cd22cb84add451a96&amp;sot=b&amp;sdt=b&amp;sl=56&amp;s=SRCTITLE%28Educational+Administration+Theory+and+Practice%29&amp;origin=searchbasic&amp;editSaveSearch=&amp;yearFrom=Before+1960&amp;yearTo=Present" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Scopus</a></strong></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> en-US (Educational Administration: Theory and Practice) (Support) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 04:21:59 +0000 OJS 60 Texture and Tactility: Exploring Perception through Touch for Blind and Visually Impaired Students in Creating Visual Arts <p><em>This research project focuses on making art accessible to blind and visually impaired students by exploring the beauty of nature and manmade objects through the concepts of texture and tactility. Although it is usually assumed that blind and visually impaired people would have little interest or talent in creating images, they can be created in a variety of different ways and methods. The research project emphasizes the exploration of the creative process, which is designed to provide exposure, experience, and additional skills to nurture self-confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and talent development. This qualitative research project used the case study method. The research employed creative studio and content analysis approaches by using the elements and principles of art and design. The research project significantly reviews how blind and visually impaired students are able to reinterpret texture and imply patterns in a variety of visual artworks inspired by design in nature and design by man. Thus, these special students have the potential to show an exceptional level of skill and talent that establishes the sense of touch as a method of mental representation between imagination and the realization of the creative process. Furthermore, this research project would inspire a new perception of interactivity in the learning activities of blind and visually impaired students towards improving the quality of special education.</em></p> Mohd Fauzi Sedon, Intan Khasumarlina Mohd Khalid, Ahmad Khoiri Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ‘A Novel Technique For Dynamic Pothole Detection & Mapping Along With An Alert System’ <p>The widespread problem of potholes poses signif- icant threats to road safety and infrastructure integrity as our global society increasingly relies on robust transportation net- works. Potholes, which are depressions that form on surfaces like highways, often start as small cracks but can escalate into significant hazards if neglected. This endangers both road users and the structural integrity of the roads themselves. In countries such as India, where potholes are not only common but also have serious consequences, the issue is particularly pronounced. Shockingly, incidents related to these road defects lead to over 3000 deaths annually, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive efforts to mitigate their impact. De- spite having only 2% of the world's motor vehicles, India ac- counts for approximately 12% of global traffic accident fatali- ties. Addressing this disproportionate toll requires a thorough examination of the factors influencing the severity of the situa- tion. The prevalence of potholes during the monsoon season and adverse weather conditions, which obscure them from drivers' view, worsens the problem. Establishing a robust mon- itoring system capable of closely tracking these road risks is essential for proactively addressing this serious issue. Such a system should not only identify potholes promptly but also disseminate this crucial information to the public, providing early warnings that can mitigate the harm caused by these hazardous road conditions until proper repairs can be carried out. To enhance road safety and preserve infrastructure in- tegrity, this study delves into the complexities of the pothole problem in India, examining its impacts and causes while proposing a framework for an effective monitoring system.</p> Gaurav Patil, Gurunathan R, Hari Prasad P, Harsha V, Ms Swetha R Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Moderate Competitive Intensity's Impact On The Link Between Product Innovation And Market Success: A Case Study On North African Countries <p>This study investigates the interplay between Product Innovation, Competitive Intensity, and Market Success in competitive business environments. Through a quantitative analysis of data collected from firms across various industries, the study examines the relationships between these constructs and explores the moderating role of Competitive Intensity on the relationship between Product Innovation and Market Success. The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between Product Innovation and Market Success, highlighting the pivotal role of innovation in driving firm performance. Additionally, Competitive Intensity demonstrates a significant positive impact on Market Success, emphasizing the importance of understanding and navigating competitive dynamics effectively. Furthermore, Competitive Intensity effectively moderates the relationship between Product Innovation and Market Success, indicating that the influence of innovation on market performance varies depending on the level of competitive pressure. These findings underscore the critical importance of both Product Innovation and Competitive Intensity in achieving Market Success and offer valuable insights for firms seeking to optimize their innovation strategies and navigate competitive environments effectively.</p> Mehdaoui Zeyneb, Kouidri Abderrahmane, Naamaoui Rachida, Bencherif mabrouka Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Behavioral Problems Among Refugee Students With Learning Difficulties In Jordan And Their Relationship To Some Variables <p>The study aimed to identify behavioral problems among refugee students with learning difficulties in Jordan, and whether these problems differ according to the child's gender, age, the field of his academic learning difficulties or the duration of the asylum, the study sample consisted of (148) Syrian refugee students with learning difficulties, and to achieve the study objectives, the study followed a descriptive approach, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers developed a tool consisting of (45) distributed equally on three dimensions: emotional behavioral problems, educational behavioral problems, and social behavioral problems, and the researchers verified the indications of its truthfulness and consistency.</p> <p>The results showed a high level of behavioral problems in all its dimensions, which came after emotional behavioral problems and after educational behavioral problems in the first rank of the responses of the study sample, followed by social behavioral problems in the second place. The results also showed that there were significant differences in the overall degree of behavioral problems depending on the gender variable of students in favor of male students, the age variable in favor of those less than 9 years old, and the duration of asylum variable in favor of those whose asylum period was less than 10 years. The results did not show any significant differences in the dimensions of behavioral problems depending on the variable of the field of learning difficulty, except after educational behavioral problems, where the differences appeared depending on the field of learning difficulty and in favor of those who have learning difficulty in reading.</p> Hisham A. Almakanin, Mohammad A.Beirat, Amjad F. Alrekebat, Abdallah S. Almahaireh Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The role of education in economic development in Saudi Arabia <p>This investigation explores the significance of the role played by education in the economic development of Saudi Arabia, particularly at this juncture in pursuit of Vision 2030. The study explores the complex relationship between investments in education and economic growth in the global economy through examinations of education spending versus GDP from 2020 to 2024. A lot of government spending on education has helped many economic indicators but the results also point towards some areas where they can improve, more specifically in terms of resource efficiency and labour market need. The importance of curricula modernization, ongoing professional development for teachers, and stronger links with industry are highlighted in the report to ensure the significance and effectiveness of education. But to be effective, these policies must be accompanied by increased investments in STEM and vocational training, robust monitoring, and evaluation (M&amp;E) systems, and the expansion of private-public partnerships. At the same time, the study reinforces the need for targeted educational programs specifically aimed at AI, career navigators to guide young people, and investments in R&amp;D and innovation. Working on these areas can help Saudi Arabia to make the best of its educational investments and maintain economic growth and development.</p> Dr. Kalthoum Sfar Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AI-Augmented Eco-Didactic Communication in the Public Space through Science Fiction Storytelling <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly spreading across various aspects of the urban built environment. The opportunities presented by AI facilitate operational dimensions, encompassing the generation of personalized content, and the utilization of real-time data for environmental communication in the public sphere. While the future applications of AI can be forecasted to a certain extent, how these technologies will be integrated into the urban environment to enhance public communication remains uncertain. Conversely, science fiction storytelling has often proven prescient in anticipating future developments. This study aims to forecast the prospective applications of AI within public communication channels, employing science fiction narratives as a framework. The methodology involves qualitative analysis of a speculative scenario based on current trends and emerging technologies for exploring potential future applications of AI in urban public communication. As a result, the study highlights the need to explore AI technologies further and consider potential challenges and opportunities. Also, the study underscores the significance of science fiction storytelling in anticipating future developments. By drawing on science fiction narratives, researchers were able to project potential AI applications and their implications for public communication.</p> Burcu Olgen, Negarsadat Rahimi, Carmela Cucuzzella Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessing The Impact Of Environmental, Social And Governance Sustainability On Firm Performance And Value <p>This study examines the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) sustainability practices and firm performance and value. Drawing on a sample of non-public manufacturing firms in the Greater Accra Region, the study employs hierarchical regression analysis to assess the impact of ESG practices on firm performance and value while controlling for firm size and age. The findings reveal significant positive relationships between ESG practices and both firm performance and value. Specifically, environmental sustainability initiatives positively influence firm performance and value, alongside social and governance sustainability practices. These results underscore the strategic importance of integrating ESG considerations into corporate strategies to enhance competitiveness, mitigate risks, and create long-term value for stakeholders. The study contributes to the literature by offering insights into the mechanisms through which ESG practices influence organizational outcomes and provides practical implications for practitioners and policymakers. Further research avenues include longitudinal and comparative studies to explore the long-term effects and regional variations in the relationship between ESG practices and firm performance and value.</p> Owusu Collins Kwaning, Owusu Ackah, Ohene Afriyie Emelia, Ernest Christian Winful Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Teachers’ Level Of Compliance On Classroom Observation: Meeting The Indicators <p>Classroom observation to the Philippine public school teachers is pursuant to DepEd (Department of Education) Order no. 42, s. (series) 2017. This order is the National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). It states the importance of teachers to continue professional development and advancement in their teaching profession as they deliver quality education and more than compliant performance.&nbsp;</p> <p>DepEd order no. 004, s. 2022 states the implementation of the results-based performance management system- Philippine Professional standards for teachers (RPMS-PPST) for School Year 2021 – 2022. This guides the teachers, master teacher, or head teachers who serve as raters, school head, as to be reflected in their IPCRF for the said school year. This is prescribed as DepEd continues to deliver its basic education services in a COVID-19 scene while still upholding the quality education.</p> <p>DepEd order no. 2, s. 2015, is on the guidelines on the establishment and implementation of the results-based performance management system (RPMS) in the Department of Education (DepEd). It states the ‘specific mechanism, criteria and processes for the performance target setting, monitoring, evaluation and development planning for schools and offices, covering all officials and employees, school-based and non-school based, in the Department’.</p> Patrociño C. de Vera II Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Recognizing And Addressing Specific Learning Disabilities In Pupils With Visual Impairments <p>The paper focuses on the issue of depicting and diagnosing specific learning disabilities (SLD) in pupils with severe visual impairment. This issue has been resonating in special education practice in the Czech Republic for a long time. The current practice in the Czech Republic is such that it is very difficult to diagnose and distinguish when it is SLD and when it is an issue related to severe visual impairment, and thus very often only a suspected diagnosis is made. This paper aims to present the research results in this area in our country (this research is co-financed by IGA_PdF_2024_019 The phenomenon of specific learning disabilities in pupils with visual impairment). The paper also includes research on the topic in the context of global research and will be followed by a mapping of the current situation at the level of Czech special education. Data for the research itself was collected through questionnaires and interviews with experts on the subject.</p> Veronika Vachalova, Veronika Ruzickova, Gabriela Spinarova, Petra Bastlova Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Pilot Study On Developing A Mobile Application To Enhance Teachers' Creative Teaching Competence <p>This study aimed to develop a mobile application called the Creative Teaching Creative Teacher app (CTCT app) for early childhood teachers to monitor and improve their creative teaching competence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 early childhood teachers and 3 experts to determine the demand for developing creative teaching applications. The interviews focused on the expected contents, design, and function of the CTCT app. The app's design and functionality underwent revisions through ongoing meetings with the developer. The CTCT app consists of four menus: 'Creative Teaching Competence Checklist', 'Strengths and Weaknesses on Creative Teaching Competence', 'Expert Q&amp;A on Creative Teaching Competence', and 'Sharing Creative Teaching'. The CTCT app can monitor early childhood teachers' creative teaching competence and allow them to share their creative teaching cases with others. The CTCT application may assist early childhood educators in enhancing their capacity to foster children's creativity and boost their confidence in creative instruction.</p> KyoungEun, Kim Copyright (c) 2024 Educational Administration: Theory and Practice Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000