The Influence Of Queer Representation In Modern Fiction

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Upendra Singh Jamwal
Dr. Sanjay Prasad Pandey


The purpose of this research paper is to examine the portrayal of LGBTQ characters and themes with a specific focus on Gay persons in modern fiction. It has a significant influence on literature and shapes reader’s impression of diversity and inclusion. Moreover, it has played a greater role in fostering a more comprehensive understanding of sexuality and gender. Queer theory has influenced the evolution of both the legal and political systems such as the recognition of same sex marriage and the growth of LGBTQ rights. The internet has had a significant contribution to the diffusion of lesbian fiction, since several writers have independently published their works online in the form of E-books. The availability of lesbian literature has been made possible by the existence of online groups and publications. Lesbian fiction in the United States has emerged due to changing perceptions and recent legal advancements for LGBTQ rights. Despite the fact that it continues to challenge stereotypes and provide representation for LGBTQ folks, and also reflect the range of lesbian experiences and identities. The research aims to evaluate a wide range of American novels and short stories. The study examines the perspective of queer identities and its possible impact in molding attitudes towards diversity and inclusion within literary communities. In the evolution of Queer theory, many prominent thinkers from the realm of LGBT studies have made significant contribution. These notable scholars include Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Annamarie Jagose, Djuna Barnes, Lauren Berland, Leo Bersani, Nancy Garden, James Clavell, Patricia Highsmith, Donna Tartt, Mercedes Lackey


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How to Cite
Upendra Singh Jamwal, & Dr. Sanjay Prasad Pandey. (2024). The Influence Of Queer Representation In Modern Fiction. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 6568–6570.
Author Biographies

Upendra Singh Jamwal

Research Scholar of English, Department of Social Sciences and Languages, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar PB, India,

Dr. Sanjay Prasad Pandey

Professor, Department of English, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar PB, India