An Ecophilosophical Analysis On The Mystical Religious Astounding Men In The Novel The Spire

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Dr. Fredrick Jorgenson C.


The novel, The Spire was penned by an exponent writer William Golding. The protagonist Father Jocelin, the Dean of the Cathedral, had a massive dream idea of building a Spire. It is a project that has been created and carried by him by opposing the advice of people from the congregation. Jocelin refuses the advice of others and he is stubborn in building a spire. He gathered people to display the grandeur of the spire. His involvement and commitment show his dedication to the religion by completely discarding the environmental consciousness. The eco-consciousness triggers the researcher to analyse the consequences of building a spire. Ecology has its in-depth connotation. It comprises the earth, water, sky, and all the non-human – rudiments as primeval edifices, old country houses, farming and agronomic lands, Flora and Fauna, grottos and hills, vegetation and trees, streams and oceans, gravels, rocks, fowl and beasts, serpents and reptiles, airstreams, and seasons.


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How to Cite
Dr. Fredrick Jorgenson C. (2024). An Ecophilosophical Analysis On The Mystical Religious Astounding Men In The Novel The Spire. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 406–409.
Author Biography

Dr. Fredrick Jorgenson C.

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India. ORCid: 0000-0002-1417-770X