Student-Centered Learning Strategies To Enhance Learning Experience, Academic Self-Reliance, And Work Mindset In The Era Of Educational Industry And Society 5.0

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Cucu Sutianah
Mufti Ali


The independent learning policy in Higher Education demands instructors to initiate a paradigm shift in the teaching methodology. Empowering students through pedagogy that actively involves them is deemed crucial in responding to the learning outcomes tailored to user needs. The objective of this research is to empower all aspects of student potential, including potency base strengthening, the improvement of student experience, fostering student loyalty, reinforcing student base, instilling student trust, and enhancing overall student experience to elevate learning experience, academic autonomy, and work mindset among students. The research design employs a quasi-experimental approach involving five student classes with four different courses. The instruments utilized include interview guidelines, observation protocols, questionnaires through Google Forms, and academic tests during Midterm and Final Semester Examinations. Data gathered from observations, interviews, questionnaires, and academic tests aim to measure self-potential, academic autonomy, learning experience, and work mindset. Data processing involves descriptive analysis and ANCOVA tests for academic autonomy, work mindset, and learning experience variables. The research results indicate that student-centered learning has fortified various facets: 1) Student Potency, giving rise to creative ideas, courage, responsibility, and the discovery of interests; 2) Academic Autonomy, demonstrating the ability to understand, manage, and employ learning strategies, skills, and contributions in both academic and professional environments; 3) Learning Experience, fostering openness to change, innovation, adaptability, and readiness to face complex challenges in the workplace and modern society; and 4) Work Mindset, involving the evaluation of their own learning processes, time management, and resource utilization.


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How to Cite
Wahidin, Cucu Sutianah, Nana, & Mufti Ali. (2024). Student-Centered Learning Strategies To Enhance Learning Experience, Academic Self-Reliance, And Work Mindset In The Era Of Educational Industry And Society 5.0. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(3), 885–891.
Author Biographies


Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Cucu Sutianah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia


Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia

Mufti Ali

Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia