Exploring Sociolinguistic Dimensions: Analysing Sociolinguistic Elements In The selected Literary Texts

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Swati Mittal
Dr. Shivani Vashist
Dr. Kajal Chaudhary


Each language harbours historical, cultural, and social connotations, contributing to the layers of meaning within the narrative. Sociolinguistics studies how language and society interact, a topic covered in various literary works that examine dialects, the intricacies of communication, and the impact of language on individuals and groups. The study of language interacts with social factors, and sociolinguistics is the intersection of linguistics and sociology. Sociolinguistics, a multidisciplinary field, provides a rich framework for comprehending language dynamics in various social contexts. This study aims to investigate the representation of critical elements such as register, polyglossia, diglossia, code-switching, lexical borrowing, bilingualism, trilingualism, code-switching, and language planning in literary narratives. Through closely examining selected novels, this paper investigates how authors employ linguistic diversity as a narrative tool, mirroring societal norms, cultural identities, power dynamics, and intergroup communication. This research aims to contribute to a more in-depth understanding of language's role in shaping fictional worlds and reflecting real-world linguistic complexities by investigating the interplay between sociolinguistic concepts and literary expression.


Sociolinguistics also deals with the variation in the use of language. It examines the possible reasons and variables such as geographic location, region, gender dynamics, socioeconomic class, caste, racial group, nationality, race, and interpersonal connections for understanding this variation or variety in language. Various factors affect patterns, variations, and changes in language. One can use language in multiple ways, and language can take different forms. This paper strives to understand how linguistic and social structures, cultural contexts, and individual identities influence patterns, variations, and changes by investigating the vibrant relationship between language and society. This paper is a comprehensive research that explores the ways in which authors represent linguistic diversity, incorporating a variety of linguistic styles and dialects that reflect cultural and historical diversity. The research paper uses Qualitative research methodology to delve into the usage of dialect and language to reminisce about identity and cultural heritage and attest to how characteristics like social class, region, and gender influence language. As many literary works integrate different regional languages, this opens the scope for analysing code-switching, language ideology, multilingualism, and bilingual puns in the narrative. The study also aims to examine examples from various literary texts to accentuate contemporary society's multicultural and multilingual characteristics while analysing the use of dialect and language that echoes the characters' social and economic backgrounds.


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How to Cite
Swati Mittal, Dr. Shivani Vashist, & Dr. Kajal Chaudhary. (2024). Exploring Sociolinguistic Dimensions: Analysing Sociolinguistic Elements In The selected Literary Texts. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 2640–2647. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i4.1478
Author Biographies

Swati Mittal

Research Assistant, Department of English, School of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad.

Dr. Shivani Vashist

Director, School of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad.

Dr. Kajal Chaudhary

Assistant Professor, Department of English, School of Media Studies and Humanities, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad.