Empirical Study On Investor’s Preference Towards Mutual Fund Investments In An Sip (Systematic Investment Plan) Mode

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Dr. Priti Aggarwal


The mutual fund market in India has enormous expansion potential and is considered as one of the best investment opportunities for small-time investors. The middle-income group is expected to become more and more significant in asset generation and financial planning due to its growing size, increased financial awareness, and savings culture. Its potential is further enhanced by creative fund houses, changing legislation, and astute investors, making it an appealing market for both novice and experienced investors. An efficient and effective financial planning technique called a systematic investment plan allows an individual to save money by inevitably depositing a certain amount into the mutual fund scheme of their choice at regular intervals. It's an alternate investing approach for many risk-averse investors, who are expecting higher profits at low risks. To obtain positive returns, without facing the disadvantages of equity investments, it integrates systematic and disciplined investments into mutual funds. The study aims to ascertain the factors that motivate systematic investment plans, the issues these plans face, and which funds are best suited for the portfolios of retail investors. Primary sources were consulted to compile data using a survey method with 80 sample respondents.


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How to Cite
Dr. Priti Aggarwal. (2024). Empirical Study On Investor’s Preference Towards Mutual Fund Investments In An Sip (Systematic Investment Plan) Mode. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 536–557. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i2.1560
Author Biography

Dr. Priti Aggarwal

Professor & Head of Finance, Vijay Patil School of Management, New Mumbai