Education As Intervention And Tribal Identity In India

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Prahallad Majhi
Dr. Ashok Dansana


In the context of globalization and progress, it is more important than ever to safeguard the cultural traditions and identities of tribal peoples. Indigenous communities face a serious threat to their distinctive identity and way of life. Education is one of the interventions that have the potential to help mitigate this loss and support the revitalization of tribal. However, the effectiveness of education in this context remains a topic of ongoing debate. This article examines the role of education in preserving tribal identity in India and examines the challenges and opportunities that come with situating education as an intervention in the context of dwindling tribal identity. It also discusses various educational policies and initiatives intervention for tribal and their education. It highlights the need for a culturally responsive approach to education that takes into account the unique needs and perspectives of tribal communities. The article argues that education can play a crucial role in supporting the revitalization of tribal communities and preserving their cultural heritage, but only if it is implemented in a way that respects and supports tribal identity.


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How to Cite
Prahallad Majhi, & Dr. Ashok Dansana. (2024). Education As Intervention And Tribal Identity In India. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 367–372.
Author Biographies

Prahallad Majhi

Ph.D. Scholar, School of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

Dr. Ashok Dansana

Assistant Professor, School of Education, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack