Al-Tawafi's Method of transmitting Opinions

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Leqaa Suhaib Saadi
Amer Yassin Eidan


The issue of requiring the equality of the ruling of the branch to the ruling of the origin, such as the validity of analogy, requires that the ruling of the branch does not differ from the ruling of the origin in either its genus or increase.The research showed that in the issue of the permissibility of delaying the obligatory act until the last time, it is permissible to delay it until the last time on the condition of intending to do it then, otherwise it is not permissible. The research confirmed that in the issue of whether actions are good or bad in themselves, the attribution of the saying to each of the following schools of thought: the Mu'tazila, the Karama, and the Brahmins, with their differences in whether they are so without a description or whether they are so with a description. The importance of the research lies in the issue of the general after the specification, the transmission of the schools of thought in that, and he did not name them all, meaning that it is in the least of the collection, not in what exceeds it, which is the school of thought of some of the jurists, and he did not mention who they are.

The research highlighted that in the issue of the permissibility of trust with the knowledge of the commander of the absence of its condition, the opinions of this issue were discussed, and two ijmaas were mentioned therein, the first: the consensus of Muslims on the permissibility of trust with Ramadan with the possibility of the death of the one who's been trusted before its coming, arguing from it the permissibility with the absence of its condition, and the second: the agreement on the invalidity with an act at a time that requires the impossible. The consensus was shown on the proof and permissibility between the schools of thought, with the consensus of Muslims on not denying the commitment to any school of thought they want. The research concluded that what Al-Tawafi followed in his writings of opinions and sayings was to attribute them to the school of thought without specifying who its owner is accurately.


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How to Cite
Leqaa Suhaib Saadi, & Amer Yassin Eidan. (2024). Al-Tawafi’s Method of transmitting Opinions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 2183–2191.
Author Biographies

Leqaa Suhaib Saadi

College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad. 

Amer Yassin Eidan

College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad