The effect of the tour method on developing the mental orientation of university students

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Fatima Hadi Ahmed
Prof. Dr. Batoul Banai Zubairi


The current research aims to identify the effect of the tour method in developing the mental orientation of university students. The current research is limited to university students at the University of Basra Oil and Gas for the academic year (2022-2023) and for the purpose of preparing the research, the researchers adopted the mental orientation scale (Mamouri, 2022) the number of its paragraphs (40) paragraphs and based on a set of justifications, they found the scale appropriate to the objectives of their current research and after confirming the psychometric characteristics (honesty - stability) it was applied to the sample members of 400 students and after processing the data using appropriate statistical means and using the statistical bag spss. The hypothesis of the research included the following: There are no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the average ranks of the scores of the members of the experimental group and the ranks of the members of the control group in the post-test on the scale of mental orientation after the application of the guidance program, and to test the validity of this hypothesis, the researchers used the Man and Netney test to find out the significance of the differences between the two tests for the experimental and control groups ,The researchers reached the following results:The calculated value, which is equal to (zero) is statistically significant because it is smaller than the tabular value, which is equal to (23) at the level of significance (0.05), and this means rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis, i.e. there are differences between the average ranks of the scores of the experimental group members and the ranks of the control group members in the post-test on the mental orientation scale after the application of the indicative program, and this indicates the impact of the program.


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How to Cite
Fatima Hadi Ahmed, & Prof. Dr. Batoul Banai Zubairi. (2024). The effect of the tour method on developing the mental orientation of university students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 5770–5781.
Author Biographies

Fatima Hadi Ahmed

Basrah University of Oil and Gas, College of Oil and Gas Engineering

Prof. Dr. Batoul Banai Zubairi

Basrah University , College of Education for Human Sciences