Professional Ethical Dilemma Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability on Teachers

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Ting Chen
Crendy Tan Yen Teng
Xin Wang


This study aims to develop a Scale of Professional Ethical Dilemmas for Teachers and verify the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The goal is to provide an objective and effective measurement tool for evaluating the professional ethics dilemma faced by teachers. The scale may also serve as an empirical research tool for studying teachers' ethical dilemmas and assessing their level of difficulty scientifically. Methods: A literature review and teacher interviews were conducted to select the contents of the questionnaire. A pilot test and expert judgment were then used to create the experimental version of the scale. Results: This study successfully developed a scale of professional ethical dilemma specifically for Chinese teachers. 1.The total variance explained by the common factors after the axis was 57.007% based on exploratory factor analysis. 2.Confirmatory factor analysis supported the overall model fitting test index in modeling research. 3.Additionally, Cronbach's α coefficient for each factor ranged from 0.720 to 0.751, and the coefficient for the entire scale was 0.881, indicating good internal consistency, stability, and reliability. 4.Correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficient between each factor ranged from 0.389 to 0.654, and the correlation coefficient between each factor and the total scale ranged from 0.670 to 0.889, indicating good structural validity. Therefore, the scale can be considered an effective tool for evaluating the level of the professional ethics dilemmas faced by teachers.


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How to Cite
Chen, T., Yen Teng, C. T., & Wang, X. (2023). Professional Ethical Dilemma Scale: A Study of Validity and Reliability on Teachers. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2).