"Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence In Mammography Screening"

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Aditya Nagrath
Manpreet Singh
Amit Kumar
Kanwaldeep Kaur


Breast cancer remains a significant global health challenge, emphasizing the critical need for innovative approaches to early detection and diagnosis. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current landscape of mammography screening and the emerging role of artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing breast cancer detection.

Introduction: Breast cancer continues to pose a substantial burden on public health worldwide, underscoring the urgency for advancements in screening technologies. Mammography remains the gold standard for breast cancer screening, yet its efficacy is constrained by limitations in sensitivity and specificity, leading to missed diagnoses and unnecessary interventions.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Mammography Screening: AI has emerged as a promising tool to address the shortcomings of conventional mammography by enhancing accuracy and efficiency in image interpretation. Machine learning algorithms, trained on large datasets of mammographic images, can detect subtle abnormalities indicative of breast cancer with greater sensitivity and specificity than human radiologists alone.

Integration of AI into Mammography Workflows: The integration of AI technologies into mammography screening workflows encompasses various stages, including image analysis, risk stratification, and decision support systems. AI-powered software assists radiologists in interpreting mammograms more accurately by highlighting regions of interest and providing quantitative assessments of breast tissue characteristics.

Challenges and Opportunities: Despite the significant potential of AI in mammography screening, several challenges exist, including regulatory hurdles, data privacy concerns, and the need for validation in diverse patient populations. Addressing these challenges requires collaborative efforts between healthcare providers, researchers, policymakers, and technology developers to ensure the responsible and equitable integration of AI into clinical practice.

Transformative Impact of AI on Breast Cancer Detection:

Through a synthesis of existing literature and case studies, this paper demonstrates the transformative impact of AI on mammography screening. By improving the early detection of breast cancer and facilitating more personalized treatment strategies, AI has the potential to reduce mortality rates and enhance patient outcomes.

Conclusion: In conclusion, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in mammography screening represents a paradigm shift in breast cancer detection and diagnosis. By overcoming the limitations of traditional screening methods, AI offers a promising pathway towards more effective and patient-centered healthcare delivery in the fight against breast cancer.


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How to Cite
Aditya Nagrath, Manpreet Singh, Amit Kumar, Kanwaldeep Kaur, Pallavi, & Monika. (2024). "Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Detection: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence In Mammography Screening". Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 2488–2496. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i4.1880
Author Biographies

Aditya Nagrath

Senior Technician, Department of Radio-diagnosis and Imaging, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India

Manpreet Singh

Junior Technician, Department Of Radio-Diagnosis And Imaging, Pgimer, Chandigarh, India

Amit Kumar

Tutor Technician, Department Of Radio-Diagnosis And Imaging, Pgimer, Chandigarh, India

Kanwaldeep Kaur

Nursing Officer, Pgimer, Chandigarh, India


Junior Technician, Department Of Radio-Diagnosis And Imaging, Pgimer, Chandigarh, India


Senior Technician, Department Of Radio-Diagnosis And Imaging, Pgimer, Chandigarh, India