Assessing The Efficacy: A Comparative Analysis Of Invasive And Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods For Early Detection And Screening Of Breast Cancer

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Dr. Abiramasundari V K
Dr. Rajarajeswari B
Mr. Joseph Alen Boban


Breast cancer remains a significant global health concern, necessitating efficient methods for early detection and screening. This study conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis between invasive and non-invasive diagnostic techniques to evaluate their efficacy in detecting breast cancer at early stages. The research encompasses a thorough examination of various modalities, including mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and emerging technologies like thermography and molecular imaging.

The effectiveness of each method is assessed based on key parameters such as sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, patient comfort, cost-effectiveness, and availability. Traditional methods like mammography offer high specificity but may lack sensitivity in certain populations, especially in women with dense breast tissue. Ultrasound provides valuable complementary information, particularly in younger women and those with dense breasts. MRI, although highly sensitive, is limited by its cost and accessibility.

Furthermore, non-invasive techniques such as thermography and molecular imaging show promise in improving early detection without exposure to radiation. These methods leverage advancements in imaging technology and biomarker detection, offering potential for enhanced sensitivity and specificity.

The comparative analysis highlights the importance of a multi-modal approach for breast cancer screening, tailored to individual patient profiles and risk factors. Integrating complementary techniques can improve overall detection rates while minimizing false positives and unnecessary invasive procedures.

In conclusion, this study underscores the need for ongoing research and innovation in breast cancer diagnostics to optimize early detection and screening strategies. By leveraging both invasive and non-invasive methods judiciously, healthcare providers can enhance outcomes and reduce the burden of breast cancer mortality.


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How to Cite
Dr. Abiramasundari V K, Dr. Rajarajeswari B, & Mr. Joseph Alen Boban. (2024). Assessing The Efficacy: A Comparative Analysis Of Invasive And Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods For Early Detection And Screening Of Breast Cancer. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 3610–3617.
Author Biographies

Dr. Abiramasundari V K

Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology,  Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, SIMATS University, Chennai

Dr. Rajarajeswari B

Assistant Professor , Department of Anaesthesia Sri Lalithambigai Medical College, Dr.M.G.R University, Chennai

Mr. Joseph Alen Boban

Final year Student, MBBS, Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, SIMATS University, Chennai