From Stateless in Myanmar to Illegal Migrants in India: Social Resilience of Rohingyas in Jammu

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Rohit Khajuria
Prof. Anindya Jayanta Mishra


The religious extremism and conflict in the Rakhine state of Myanmar have forced Rohingyas to migrate from this region to other parts of the world. The military offensive, selective discrimination, mass violence, and genocide compelled these people to leave their homeland or face insult, injury, imprisonment, or even death. This involuntary migration also leads to the loss of one's identity and community relations leading to social, economic, and cultural consequences for these people. Many international agencies have also reported gendered-based violence against Rohingya women during their perilous journey. The migration of Rohingya Muslims to different regions of India and Jammu dep icts a case of social resilience and reflexivity where a migrant readjusts to a new social, political, and cultural space. This study attempts to understand the social dynamics of forced migration and the readjustment of these migrants in Jammu (Northern India). The phenomenological approach has guided the whole study, and an attempt has been made to document the lived experiences of the respondents. The data has been collected using qualitative research methodology, and methods such as Interviews, observation, and focus group discussion have been used during Fieldwork.


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How to Cite
Rohit Khajuria, & Prof. Anindya Jayanta Mishra. (2024). From Stateless in Myanmar to Illegal Migrants in India: Social Resilience of Rohingyas in Jammu. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 649–657.
Author Biographies

Rohit Khajuria

Research Scholar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee.

Prof. Anindya Jayanta Mishra

Professor and Former Head, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Roorkee.