Peer Review
Education Administration:Theory and Practice has a blind review process. All manuscripts submitted to EATP are circulated to two field referees after initial screening process. If the referee's report contradict one another, a further expert opinion will be sought.
Throughout the review process, all submissions satisfying the basic requirements will be subject to a blind review by at least two independent reviewers who will not have knowledge of the name of the author or of other reviewers. Likewise, the Education Administration:Theory and Practice does not inform the author(s) about the reviewers in any phase of the review process.
If the number of the manuscripts that were credited as publishable by the reviewers were higher than the number of the articles that prescribed by the Education Administration:Theory and Practice policy, the editorial board of the Education Management in Theory and Practice makes the final acceptance decision.
The editors reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition, and to improve communication between author and reader. In following this practice, the scientific content and message will not be changed. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision and/or approval.