Strategic Interactions: Assessing The Geopolitical Landscape Between India And Neighbouring Countries

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Dr. Surbhi Sehgal


Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, China Maldives, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are the neighbouring countries of India. India's respective relations with its neighbouring nations are set apart by an intricate transaction of financial, security, and verifiable variables. India's geopolitical landscape with its neighbouring countries is not stable. In the context of the problem, that has been evident within the context of the geopolitical landscape in India and its neighbourhood countries, this study examines the complex dynamics of India's bilateral relations with neighbouring countries, examines broader geopolitics, insights including historical and contemporary aspects, and explores key events, alliances, conflicts and trade relations. In addition, asses all the facts, this study aims to provide strategic recommendations that can improve the India’s geopolitical landscape with its neighbours. The study aims to assess the geopolitical landscape between India and neighbouring countries. The study also aims to assess it provide strategic suggestions to improve the geopolitical landscape between India and neighbouring countries. A mixed method of qualitative and quantitative allows to take data to establish the findings of the study and provide recommendations.


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How to Cite
Dr. Surbhi Sehgal. (2024). Strategic Interactions: Assessing The Geopolitical Landscape Between India And Neighbouring Countries. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 1898–1917. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Dr. Surbhi Sehgal

Asst. Professor Sri Aurobindo CollegeDelhi University