Diabetes Analysis And Observation System

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Dr. Monami Mukherjee Mondal


The intricate relationship between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle elements in diabetes requires a comprehensive approach for its analysis and management. This paper introduces the Diabetes Analysis and Observation System (DAOS), an all-encompassing framework that merges advanced data analytics, clinical insights, and individualized interventions to deepen our comprehension of diabetes and enhance patient treatment. Utilizing a variety of data sources, such as genetic profiles, medical histories, lifestyle choices, and environmental conditions, DAOS applies machine learning algorithms to uncover the fundamental factors influencing the emergence, development, and complications of diabetes. Additionally, DAOS facilitates real-time monitoring and feedback, enabling healthcare professionals and patients to undertake tailored interventions that reduce risk factors, improve blood sugar regulation, and bolster overall health outcomes. Leveraging data-driven knowledge and customized healthcare, DAOS signifies a significant evolution in diabetes care, paving the way for more effective prevention, detection, and therapeutic approaches.


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How to Cite
Dr. Monami Mukherjee Mondal. (2024). Diabetes Analysis And Observation System. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 4202–4207. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3600
Author Biography

Dr. Monami Mukherjee Mondal

Assistant Professor (Physiology), Department of Clinical Nutrition, College Of Applied Medical Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia.