Roman Law's Legacy: Historical Connections To Contemporary Political Institutions

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Esmeralda Kolaneci


This study explores the profound impact of Roman law on the evolution of modern jurisprudence. Through various theoretical approaches such as analysis, synthesis, and comparison, detailed conclusions have been drawn. It is evident that the mechanisms and principles of Roman legal order, which have endured over centuries, remain pertinent in today's legal framework. These fundamental principles have significantly influenced the development of political and institutional systems. The findings of this research are valuable not only for understanding the history of jurisprudence but also for unraveling the intricate historical fabric of ancient Rome. By highlighting the enduring influence of Roman law, this study offers valuable insights for scholars and researchers seeking a deeper comprehension of the interconnectedness between the past and present in jurisprudence. It is evident that ius publicum has played a pivotal role in shaping modern constitutional law, while ius gentium has made substantial contributions to the establishment of contemporary international law. These concepts, along with their principles and institutions, form a robust foundation for the current framework of international legal standards. In summary, this research illuminates the intricate relationship between the past and present in jurisprudence, providing valuable insights for scholars and researchers in the field.


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How to Cite
Esmeralda Kolaneci. (2024). Roman Law’s Legacy: Historical Connections To Contemporary Political Institutions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5333–5342.
Author Biography

Esmeralda Kolaneci

PhD, Lecturer, Department of History, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana,