A Comparative Study of Leadership Styles and Its Impact on Employee Engagement Between Eastern And Western Countries.

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Dr. Moushami Saraf
Dr. Ketaki Gokhale -Pujari
Dr. Rajita Dixit


Leadership in corporate companies is most important because it sets the entire organization's tone, direction, and vision. A strong leader inspires confidence and promotes an environment of innovation and production. Effective leadership fosters motivated and engaged employees, which leads to higher employee retention and, eventually, improved corporate success. A skilled leader can also handle problems, make crucial decisions, and modify tactics to ensure the company's resilience and success during transition or disaster. In today's competitive business market, strong leadership is the cornerstone of a healthy corporate organisation, driving growth and assuring long-term sustainability. Leadership styles change because of the unique blend of a leader's personality, values, experiences, and the specific demands of the circumstance or organisation they lead. Different circumstances and difficulties necessitate different approaches, from authoritative and transactional to more participatory and transformational. Leadership styles frequently differ among cultures because of differences in cultural values, conventions, and expectations. Different cultures value hierarchy, collectivism, individualism, and communication styles differently. As a result, leaders must modify their techniques to fit the cultural context in which they operate. A leadership style that works well in a Western individualistic society may not work as well in an Eastern collectivist culture. Cross-cultural leadership necessitates a thorough awareness of cultural nuances and the ability to bridge cultural barriers, highlighting the significance of cultural intelligence and adaptation for leaders working in different global situations.

The relationship between leadership style and employee engagement is significant, as a leader's approach can substantially impact an employee's motivation and dedication. Transformational or participative leadership styles, which emphasise trust, open communication, and empowerment, tend to create higher levels of employee engagement. Autocratic or micromanagement techniques, on the other hand, might hinder engagement. Influential leaders who inspire, support, and align team goals with the organization's vision foster an environment where workers feel valued and connected, leading to higher engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Dr. Moushami Saraf, Dr. Ketaki Gokhale -Pujari, & Dr. Rajita Dixit. (2024). A Comparative Study of Leadership Styles and Its Impact on Employee Engagement Between Eastern And Western Countries. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 6100–6111. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3907
Author Biographies

Dr. Moushami Saraf

 Assistant Professor, K. J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Vidhyvihar, Mumbai Maharashtra, India.

Dr. Ketaki Gokhale -Pujari

Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Center for Distance and Online Education, Pune

Dr. Rajita Dixit

Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Center for Distance and Online Education, Pune