Emotional Intelligence And Inspirational Leadership: Fostering Resilience In High Performance Teams

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Shwetha T A
Dr. Nitu Ghosh
Lopamudra Behera
Dr Kartikey Koti


Extant researches have recognized emotional intelligence as a cornerstone of effective leadership and team dynamics. Inspirational leadership acts as a catalyst for motivation, empowerment, and resilience. This research delves into the intricate interplay between emotional intelligence and inspirational leadership, focusing on their collective impact on resilience within high-performance teams, attempting to unravel their synergistic effects.  Through a meticulous synthesis of existing scholarship and empirical investigation, the paper elucidates how emotional intelligence underpin inspirational leadership abilities, thereby nurturing resilience among team members. Our findings illuminate the pivotal role of emotionally intelligent leaders in inspiring and sustaining team morale amidst adversity, resulting in heightened resilience and overall performance. The quantitative study was based on analysis of data gathered from 384 respondents selected across various sectors. The implications of these insights are discussed, offering actionable recommendations for organizations seeking to fortify team resilience through the cultivation of emotional intelligence and inspirational leadership.


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How to Cite
Shwetha T A, Dr. Nitu Ghosh, Lopamudra Behera, & Dr Kartikey Koti. (2024). Emotional Intelligence And Inspirational Leadership: Fostering Resilience In High Performance Teams. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7009–7018. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4085
Author Biographies

Shwetha T A

Research Scholar and Assistant Professor, REVA Business, School, REVA University, Bengaluru, India.

Dr. Nitu Ghosh

Professor and Director, School of Management Studies, REVA University, Bengaluru, India.

Lopamudra Behera

Sapthagiri NPS University Bengaluru

Dr Kartikey Koti

Professor, Department of Business Administration (MBA),Sapthagiri NPS university, Bangalore