Enhancing IoT Security Through Experimental Methods and Blockchain Integration

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Rani Sailaja Velamakanni
Dr Pratap Singh Patwal


The rise of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has completely reshaped our digital world, revolutionizing our interaction with technology. However, this rapid growth has brought along significant security challenges, urging the need for robust measures to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of IoT networks. In response to these challenges, this research proposes a holistic approach that blends experimental techniques with blockchain integration to tackle these concerns head-on. The main goal of this study is to bolster the security of IoT networks and devices through a comprehensive strategy. Firstly, researchers conduct extensive real-world attack simulations to uncover vulnerabilities in IoT security systems. By replicating these attacks, weaknesses within the system are identified, facilitating the development of precise security protocols. This proactive approach is vital for mitigating emerging cyber threats and strengthening overall network resilience. In addition to experimental methods, blockchain technology serves as a cornerstone of the proposed security framework. The decentralized and tamper-proof nature of blockchain holds promise in addressing IoT security challenges by enhancing data integrity, authentication, and access control. By leveraging distributed ledgers, cryptography, and smart contracts, this integration aims to establish a robust security infrastructure for IoT ecosystems. The efficacy of this security enhancement approach will be verified through real-world testing of IoT devices and networks. Meanwhile, blockchain technology will be explored for its potential in managing information flow, validating identity, and maintaining data integrity within IoT environments. By seamlessly integrating blockchain with practical experiments, this research aims to push forward IoT security standards and rectify existing flaws in IoT systems. This comprehensive strategy lays a strong groundwork for the safe deployment of networked devices across diverse domains, such as healthcare, smart cities, and industrial automation


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How to Cite
Rani Sailaja Velamakanni, & Dr Pratap Singh Patwal. (2024). Enhancing IoT Security Through Experimental Methods and Blockchain Integration. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 8859–8870. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4468
Author Biographies

Rani Sailaja Velamakanni

Research Scholar, Glocal School of Technology & Computer Science, Glocal University, UP, India- 

Dr Pratap Singh Patwal

Professor, Glocal School of Technology & Computer Science, Glocal University, UP, India-