A Case Study-Management Of Karnanada Wsr To Tinnitus

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Dr Prashant Jain
Dr Manjiri Keskar


Karnanada is a type of ear disease. One might compare tinnitus in contemporary literature to Karṇanada. The term "Karṇanada" refers to the variety of sounds that the patient experiences when the Vāta becomes localized in the earcanals. These sounds include those of a Bherī (bulge or drum), Mṛdañga, Śaṁkha, etc. A phantom auditory experience, or tinnitus, is a sound perception in which the cochlea does not produce any corresponding mechanical or acoustic correlates. The common term for tinnitus is "ringing in the ears." It may also seem to be sizzling, whistling, blowing, booming, humming, or mumbling. The noise can be intermittent or continuous and can vary in loudness, ranging from mild to loud. The most frequent complaint that ENT clinicians see in their clinical practice is karnanada/tinnitus. It is an extremely irritating condition that can significantly lower a patient's quality of life and productivity. It causes emotional and cognitive distress, auditory and perceptual issues, sleep disruptions, and a wide range of somatic ailments. Despite not being a life-threatening illness, it is becoming increasingly prevalent and frequent every day. effective treatment for karnnada is snehana. Since Snehana and Vata dosha have completely different qualities, Karnapoorana, Shirupichu and Nasya is a type of Snehana. Brihamana is also required because Dhatukshya is also a factor in Vata vitiation.


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How to Cite
Dr Prashant Jain, & Dr Manjiri Keskar. (2024). A Case Study-Management Of Karnanada Wsr To Tinnitus. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(1), 513–515. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i1.4666
Author Biographies

Dr Prashant Jain

PG Scholar Professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University

Dr Manjiri Keskar

Professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Parul University