Insect Killing Using LASER

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Ankita Tijare
Sanika Kale
Pranay Parwarkar
Radha Pandey
Ritik kalmegh
Himanshu kemekar


Insects are closely related to human existence and well-being in both senses. Flying insects are frequently used as vectors for the spread of diseases and cause serious harm to people as well as agricultural productivity over most of the world. In old method insects’ detection, counting and killing is performed by sticky traps which are manually done, and these kinds of method are expensive and time consuming. We are working on a low-cost optical sensor that can identify flying insects at a distance using a weak laser beam. Although our concepts might have consequences for tracking beneficial insects, our primary goal is to employ classification methods to deliver precise real-time counts of disease carriers at the species/sex level. Here, we report some initial findings from our study, which involved three different insect species. We talk about how we might scale our methods to classify more species by augmenting the sensor with additional input sources.


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How to Cite
Ankita Tijare, Sanika Kale, Pranay Parwarkar, Radha Pandey, Ritik kalmegh, & Himanshu kemekar. (2024). Insect Killing Using LASER. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 2294–2296.
Author Biographies

Ankita Tijare

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India.

Sanika Kale

B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India. 

Pranay Parwarkar

B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India. 

Radha Pandey

B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India.

Ritik kalmegh

B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India. 

Himanshu kemekar

B.Tech Student, Department of Electronics Engineering, YCCE, Nagpur, India. 

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