To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of The Structured Teaching Programme On Knowledge Regarding Dyslexia Among Primary School Teachers In Selected Schools Of Navi Mumbai
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Dyslexia is the most common of the language-based learning disabilities. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 5% of all adults are “non-literate”, 20-25% of all adults can only read at the lowest level, and 62% of nonreaders dropped out of high school. 80% of children with an IEP have reading difficulty and 85% of those are Dyslexic. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding dyslexia among primary school teachers.
Material and methods: The research approach adopted for the study evaluative method to assess the objective by using Pre experimental research design. 200 primary school teachers, 100 control and 100 experimental group data are collected from Navi Mumbai by using a non-probability purposive sampling technique. Data was collected after Pre-test followed by a Structured teaching programme and post-test on 7th day.
Results: Findings related to the effectiveness of structured teaching programme mean scores- pre and post-test compared with control and experimental group shows difference was statistically significant ( p< 0.05), for the control group, the mean pre-test and post-test total knowledge scores were 14.16 and 13.79, whereas experimental group it was 14.45 and 21.02 which shows an increase in knowledge after STP. Findings related to the association between pre-interventional knowledge score and their selected demographic variables did not show any significant difference.
Conclusion: This indicates that a structured teaching program helps to improve the knowledge of primary school teachers.