The dialectic of integrative thought and its epistemological role Contemporary vision

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Qasim Muhammad Abd Ali
Dr. Ammar Bassem Saleh


This era has witnessed a significant scientific and research struggle regarding the importance of epistemological integration, in terms of its reality and justifications.

The research endeavored to highlight the aspects of integration and the components of cognitive sciences, while not neglecting to clarify that comprehending scientific development is a difficult matter. This is because it is one of the foundations upon which the theory of knowledge has been established in the development of all scientific fields and on all levels.

The research also emphasized that the rise and flourishing of Islamic civilization was nothing but an inevitable result of the integration between knowledges, through the necessity of epistemological integration. And the research highlighted a number of facts after the groundwork was prepared for them; the research clarified the importance and necessity of incorporating all types of knowledge and sciences – cosmic, natural, religious, and others – within the term Islamic thought, considering that all knowledge and sciences in Islam are complementary, each completing the other.

This means the necessity of laying the foundation for building a solid knowledge base that relies on a new reading, leading to a common and realistic understanding that aligns with the changes of the modern era and its enormous intellectual challenges.

Therefore, it has become imperative to warn the public from delving into understanding scientific issues and building their perceptions based on their own private readings that are not disciplined by the fundamentals and rules of scientific and academic thinking.

The research emphasizes that epistemology does not mean a final break with the past, but rather it is a gradual cultural transformation, from a traditional culture that expresses an old environment and interprets the world in a traditional way, to a developed culture capable of understanding technology and the manifestations of renewal that modernity carries with it.


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How to Cite
Qasim Muhammad Abd Ali, & Dr. Ammar Bassem Saleh. (2024). The dialectic of integrative thought and its epistemological role Contemporary vision. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 2174–2182.
Author Biographies

Qasim Muhammad Abd Ali

College of Islamic Sciences/University of Baghdad/Iraq

Dr. Ammar Bassem Saleh

College of Islamic Sciences/University of Baghdad/Iraq

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