The Influence of Generation Z's Addiction to Social Media on Their Emotional Well-being
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Understanding the effect that social media has on the younger generation is essential today more than ever, given the rapid increase in its use. By analyzing how social media influences the psychological well-being of Gen Z—those born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. Social media networks are growing more and more popular, and technology is now an essential part of success for today's Generation Z. The effects of temperament on social media use are specifically the focus of this article. Since social networking sites have such a deep emotional impact, users give up their real-world activities and dedicate all of their psychological resources to them. The author examines anxiety and happiness as representing some of the emotions that Generation Z has been influenced by modern technology. Data was collected from 415 individuals in total. The study's objective was to determine Generation Z's state of happiness and well-being. The survey approach was used to collect the data, and an online questionnaire was sent. The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25's was run to analyze the data However, the current study ignores how social and/or psychological elements could have a role in the scenario and instead focuses on analyzing what they contribute. To close this gap, take into consideration the boundary conditions and process of sharing personal information on social networking sites to understand the dynamics of Gen Z ‘s life satisfaction. Our research sheds light on the why, how, and when of Gen Z's life satisfaction in sharing information about their activities on social media. The results reveal that young people's attitudes are significantly affected by social media. In brief, social media will have an enormous effect on the temperament of digital natives, which will have both positive and negative consequences on Generation Z's level of life satisfaction.