The Impact Of Using Mobile Phone Cameras On Developing Composition Skills In Elementary School Students In Art Education
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The world is constantly looking for new research and studies that address the nature of the tremendous technological development in various fields, including education and media. And art education is no longer limited to drawing, music and acting lessons, but rather has incorporated some modern techniques that can enable learners to acquire various artistic skills, including composition skills within the picture. Therefore, this study aimed to identify "The Impact of Using Mobile Phone Cameras on Developing Composition Skills in Elementary School Students in Art Education."The researcher adopted the experimental method and selected a sample of 40 fifth-grade students. The experimental design was applied to the sample individuals in the post-test. The researcher reached a number of results, the most important of which are:
1- Progress in the students' skills in building composition elements in the photograph in the post-test.
2- Optimal use in teaching composition building skills within the photograph achieves an effective impact on skill acquisition.
3- Teaching skill acquisition theoretically and practically contributes to achieving better results in the teaching process.