Creating a Sustainable Green Environment in Philanthropy Religious-Based Schools: The Cases of Darul Ishlah and Darussalam Syafa’at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia

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M. Ilham
Wan Jamaludin Z
Heni Noviarita


This study is driven by the crucial mission of enhancing the quality of Islamic education and fostering a culture of environmental sustainability within Islamic boarding schools. Focusing on the emblematic cases of Darul Ishlah and Darussalam Syafa’at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia, both epitomizing philanthropy and religious-based education, the research seeks to delve into the tangible outcomes of strategic initiatives. The primary goal is cultivating green, self-reliant, environmentally conscious communities deeply rooted in Islamic teachings. Utilizing a qualitative analysis, the study critically assesses the effectiveness of various strategies, including green infrastructure development, integration of environmental education, and active community engagement. The results vividly demonstrate the successful integration of religious principles with practical sustainability measures, resulting in tangible impacts such as heightened environmental awareness among students and staff. In conclusion, the findings hearten us to recognize the remarkable capacity of philanthropy religious-based schools in shaping sustainable green environments. Going beyond the specifics of these cases, the study underscores the importance of embedding sustainability principles into religious-based education. Moreover, it paves the way for future investigations to understand the lasting effects of sustainability initiatives on student behavior, academic performance, and community involvement within philanthropic, religious-based schools.


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How to Cite
M. Ilham, Wan Jamaludin Z, Subandi, & Heni Noviarita. (2024). Creating a Sustainable Green Environment in Philanthropy Religious-Based Schools: The Cases of Darul Ishlah and Darussalam Syafa’at Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 743–750.
Author Biographies

M. Ilham

Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Wan Jamaludin Z

Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung


Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Heni Noviarita

Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung