Cybersecurity Challenges In Fintech: Assessing Threats And Mitigation Strategies For Financial Institutions

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Dr Uma Maheswari S
Dr. Gargi Chaudhary
Francis Manna
Mr. Vivek Pandurang Khalane
Dr. E. Muthukumar


The rapid evolution of financial technology (Fintech) has revolutionized the financial industry, offering innovative solutions to traditional banking services. However, alongside the benefits, Fintech also introduces new cybersecurity challenges that pose significant threats to financial institutions and their customers. This review research paper aims to comprehensively assess the cybersecurity landscape in Fintech, identifying key threats and exploring mitigation strategies employed by financial institutions to safeguard against cyber-attacks.The paper begins by examining the unique characteristics of Fintech that make it particularly susceptible to cyber threats, including the reliance on digital platforms, the proliferation of data-driven technologies, and the interconnectedness of financial systems. It then delves into the various types of cyber threats facing financial institutions, such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, phishing scams, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Through a synthesis of existing literature and case studies, the paper provides insights into the nature, prevalence, and impact of these threats on Fintech firms and their customers.In response to these challenges, financial institutions have adopted a range of mitigation strategies to enhance cybersecurity resilience. These include the implementation of robust encryption protocols, the adoption of multi-factor authentication measures, the deployment of advanced threat detection technologies, and the establishment of cyber incident response frameworks. The paper critically evaluates the effectiveness of these strategies in mitigating cyber risks and protecting sensitive financial data.Furthermore, the paper explores the regulatory landscape surrounding cybersecurity in Fintech, highlighting the role of government agencies and industry standards bodies in setting cybersecurity guidelines and requirements for financial institutions. It also addresses the ethical considerations and privacy implications associated with cybersecurity practices in Fintech.

This research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the cybersecurity challenges facing Fintech and the strategies employed by financial institutions to mitigate these threats. By understanding the evolving nature of cyber risks and adopting proactive measures, financial institutions can enhance their cybersecurity posture and maintain the trust and confidence of customers in the digital era.


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How to Cite
Dr Uma Maheswari S, Dr. Gargi Chaudhary, Francis Manna, Mr. Vivek Pandurang Khalane, & Dr. E. Muthukumar. (2024). Cybersecurity Challenges In Fintech: Assessing Threats And Mitigation Strategies For Financial Institutions. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 1063–1071.
Author Biographies

Dr Uma Maheswari S

Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), Karunya Institution of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Pin:641114

Dr. Gargi Chaudhary

Assistant professor,Nice School of Business Studies, Department of Management, Shobhit institute of Engineering and technology is deemed to be university Meerut Naac A accredited- 250110

Francis Manna

Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, College Name: Njala University, 19 Henry Street; PMB, Freetown, Sierra Leone 

Mr. Vivek Pandurang Khalane


Dr. E. Muthukumar

Professor, Nehru College of Management, Thirumalayampalayam, Coimbatore -641105

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