Lodhi Fort Ludhiana, Punjab: Historical And Architectural Aspects

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Manwinder Singh
Mohd Ashraf Dar


Lodhi Fort, situated in the Ludhiana district of Punjab, represents a blend of historical richness and architectural brilliance, though in utter ruins now. This study aims at exploring two important aspects of Lodhi Fort, its historical background, especially from the local sources in the form of oral traditions and intricate architectural details, of which there are faint signs due to neglect and vandalism. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to draw the inference from counterpart forts built by the Lodhis especially the Bayana fort and Agra fort. Constructed during the 15th century under the auspices of Sikandar Lodhi, the fort strategically occupied a prime location on the banks of the river Sutlej, might have functioned as a safeguard for trade routes and a formidable military stronghold. Across centuries, the fort bore witness to shifts in power dynamics, transitioning from Muslim to Sikh sovereignty before ultimately coming under British dominion. The fortification erected by Maharaja Ranjit Singh opposite the Sutlej underscores Lodhi Fort's strategic significance. Despite its historical importance, the current state of the fort reflects neglect, with changes in nomenclature and infrastructure deterioration obscuring its identity. This research endeavors to illuminate the historical and architectural significance of Lodhi Fort, advocating for its preservation and restoration as an indispensable heritage site in Punjab


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How to Cite
Manwinder Singh, & Mohd Ashraf Dar. (2024). Lodhi Fort Ludhiana, Punjab: Historical And Architectural Aspects. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 1371–1373. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3095
Author Biographies

Manwinder Singh

Research Scholar, Department of History, School of Social Sciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara.

Mohd Ashraf Dar

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara