Evaluation Of Visual Characteristics Of Decorative Landscape Of Traditional Residential Buildings: A Case Study Of Beijing Siheyuan

Main Article Content

Jingyuan Ren


Taking Beijing Siheyuan as an example, this study deeply discusses the visual characteristics of traditional residential building decoration landscape, and constructs a set of comprehensive evaluation index system. By using the methods of literature review, field investigation, analytic hierarchy process and computer aided design, the paper makes a comprehensive evaluation of the architectural structure, decorative art and color application of Siheyuan. Through detailed field investigation and expert interviews, the research puts forward multi-dimensional evaluation indexes for courtyard grouping, spatial scale, architectural appearance and detailed decoration. The results show that these evaluation indexes can effectively guide the protection and reuse of traditional residential buildings, and at the same time provide a scientific basis for the inheritance and development of traditional culture. This study not only improves the understanding of the visual characteristics of traditional residential buildings, but also provides a new perspective and method for the sustainable development of cities and the protection of cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Jingyuan Ren. (2024). Evaluation Of Visual Characteristics Of Decorative Landscape Of Traditional Residential Buildings: A Case Study Of Beijing Siheyuan. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 1770–1779. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3181
Author Biography

Jingyuan Ren

International College, Krirk University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand