School Leadership In The 21st Century: A Grounded Theory

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Felix M. Diano, Jr
Jamera S. Calbi


The advent of 21st century education and the emerging trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIRE) call for the education sector to develop new ways and means to improve the education system of the Philippines. Hence, the study aims to generate a theory relative to the characterization of the acclaimed 21st century public secondary school heads in the Province of Cebu, Philippines. This study utilized the Glaserian grounded theory design with 18 participants composed of teachers, students, and public school district supervisors. After thorough data collection and analysis, the study has generated a grounded theory explicating the seven attributes of school head who can successfully navigate the school operations and efficiently address the challenges in the 21st century environment. These attributes include the acquisition of a globally competitive mindset, being a lifelong learner, an effective communicator and collaborator, a sound and impartial decision maker, a dignified instructional leader, being strategic and resilient, and transformative.


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How to Cite
Felix M. Diano, Jr, & Jamera S. Calbi. (2024). School Leadership In The 21st Century: A Grounded Theory. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2757–2766.
Author Biographies

Felix M. Diano, Jr

Professor II, University of the Visayas, Cebu, Philippines,

Jamera S. Calbi

Teacher, Yakutat School District, Yakutat, Alaska, USA