Navigating The Digital Frontier: An In-Depth Analysis Of Customer Satisfaction With E-Banking Services In Private Sector Banks Of Preambular District

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Kusuma G S
Dr. Kanagaraju P


Introduction: The portion of the study provides an overview of electronic banking provisions that navigates in the sectors of the Preambular region. Accordingly, graphical analysis shows that the usage of E-banking has risen from 78% which was in the year 2019 to 80% which was in the year 2020 significantly.

Literature review: This portion of the study have demonstrated various relevant factors that are associated with the research objectives in account of the possible outcomes. The major efficient prodigies such as customer experience, regulating compliances and the use of predictive analysis have been versed. From the section, it has been derived that banking services are well understood by making more investment practices.

Methodology: The methodology comprises of the use of primary research method along with the analysis of the data that has been collected from a total of 55 participants. Furthermore, the analysis was processed by evaluating the relationship sources and descriptive practices, ANOVA and regression significantly.

Findings and analysis: From the research findings, it has been driven the significant practices of quality practices have served e-banking service is 1 and the larger value is 5. The worth of standard deviation is 1.145 for the relevant practices as per the qualitative practices of the customer’s service of the district. The significant value indicates a high expectancy of the digital service.

Discussion: This section of the study states the overall factors that are associated with the learning sources and provides a clear explanation of the entire planning and resource services based on the steadfast growth of online banking

Conclusion: From this section, it has been found out that the growth of Internet banking, the customer demand for skilful banking resources can be generated in higher sections in the Preambular District.


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How to Cite
Kusuma G S, & Dr. Kanagaraju P. (2024). Navigating The Digital Frontier: An In-Depth Analysis Of Customer Satisfaction With E-Banking Services In Private Sector Banks Of Preambular District. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 943–954.
Author Biographies

Kusuma G S

Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-17. Tamilnadu , India 

Dr. Kanagaraju P

Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-17, Tamilnadu, India