Performative Nature of Homosociality and Homosexuality: An Investigation of Bonds and Identity in Masculine Relationships in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Paradise

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Saroj Kanta Bhuyan
Mukesh Tiwari
Prakrusmita Pattanaik
Sonali Subhasmita Mishra


Abdulrazak Gurnah, a well-known Tanzanian-born British novelist, is renowned for his astute examinations of identity, migration, and colonialism. His writings, primarily, dwell on the impact of colonialism and explore the struggles of the African diaspora, and simultaneously probe into the individual relationships that defy the norm of heteronormative society. The complexities of homosocial and homosexual interactions are reflected in his works through various characters’ intimate relationships and coalitions. These bonds between individuals of the same sex might be seen as indications of close friendship, solidarity, and emotional support. Homosexuality refers to feelings of romantic and sexual attraction between people of the same sex, whereas Homosociality refers to interactions between people of the same gender that are non-romantic or non-sexual, often including close bonds or camaraderie. Both approaches, however, investigate same-sex relationships from a variety of angles, each with its unique emphasis. Focusing on the complex interplay of bonds and identity within masculine relationships, this study investigates the performative nature of Homosociality and Homosexuality in Gurnah’s Paradise (1994). The performative aspect of gender and sexuality in the novel’s social setting is illuminated which dissects the characters and their activities to determine how both the aspects are performed, negotiated, and subverted


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How to Cite
Saroj Kanta Bhuyan, Mukesh Tiwari, Prakrusmita Pattanaik, & Sonali Subhasmita Mishra. (2024). Performative Nature of Homosociality and Homosexuality: An Investigation of Bonds and Identity in Masculine Relationships in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Paradise. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(4), 9163–9172.
Author Biographies

Saroj Kanta Bhuyan

Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of HSS, C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India,

Mukesh Tiwari

Assistant Professor, Dept. of HSS, C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Prakrusmita Pattanaik

Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of HSS, C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Sonali Subhasmita Mishra

Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of HSS, C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

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