Influence of Technology Usage and Metacognitive Awareness on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students

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Anuradha S.
A. Pio Albina


Metacognitive mindfulness was helpful when executed in learning exercises, particularly recorded as a hard copy ability. The perseverance of this study investigates students' metacognitive awareness while writing. The object of the current exploration is to concentrate on the impacts of metacognitive mindfulness and innovation use on scholarly accomplishment with various mental styles in the Field Reliance Freedom (FRI) aspect while learning math content. Here, the questionnaire data are collected from 500 secondary school students in the Tirupur district, the descriptive survey approach is performed for data collection. There have been a few investigations which centre around the metacognitive awareness (MA) of senior secondary school understudies. However, the impact of issues in MA has not been widely revealed. This exploration pointed toward recognizing the Mama between the worker and occupant understudies of the Tirupur district. Quantitative investigation was isolated into two social occasions (suburbanite and occupant understudies). This review figures out the degree of metacognitive awareness of optional school understudies, the degree of innovation use of optional school understudies, level of scholastic accomplishment of auxiliary school understudies, It also figures out the impact of innovation utilization and metacognitive mindfulness on the scholarly accomplishment of assistant school students. The proposed analysis is performed on SPSS, and the variables are technology usage, metacognitive awareness, and academic achievement for boys and girls, rural and urban area students. There is a significant influence of Technology usage and Metacognitive awareness on the academic achievement of auxiliary school understudies. Discoveries show that the platform advances massive contrasts in metacognitive capacity, scholarly self-viability, and learning accomplishment. Similarly, the data show that students with different technology usage and metacognitive awareness achieve equivalent learning outcomes.


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How to Cite
Anuradha S., & A. Pio Albina. (2024). Influence of Technology Usage and Metacognitive Awareness on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13075–13090.
Author Biographies

Anuradha S.

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India

A. Pio Albina

Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Alagappa University College of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India,