Branding In Digital Transformation: Optimizing Multichannel Marketing Strategies With Big Data And Consumer Behavioral Analytics

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Li JiaYing
Masri Abdul Lasi


In the current competitive environment of the digital era, branding has become a key factor for enterprises to maintain their competitive advantage. This study aims to explore how to optimize multichannel marketing strategies using big data and consumer behavior analysis to enhance brand image and brand equity. Using quantitative research methods, this study collects and analyzes consumer behavior data from multiple online and offline channels, including purchase records, website browsing records, and social media interaction data. By applying structural equation modeling and data mining techniques, the study finds that consumers' brand awareness, brand image perception and brand loyalty are significantly affected by multi-channel marketing activities. The results suggest that consistent marketing messaging that integrates online and offline channels is essential for creating a favorable brand image and improving brand equity. In addition, personalized marketing content and precisely targeted ads based on consumer behavioral data also have a positive impact on increasing consumer engagement and brand loyalty. Overall, this study provides empirical evidence to illustrate how branding in the digital era should make use of big data and consumer behavior analysis to optimize multichannel marketing strategies, and provides theoretical guidance and practical suggestions for companies to develop effective branding strategies.


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How to Cite
Li JiaYing, & Masri Abdul Lasi. (2024). Branding In Digital Transformation: Optimizing Multichannel Marketing Strategies With Big Data And Consumer Behavioral Analytics. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 477–486.
Author Biographies

Li JiaYing

Faculty Business and Management, City University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

School of Management, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China

Masri Abdul Lasi

Faculty Business and Management, City University Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia