Organizational Factors And Employees' Satisfaction In Nigeria Private Universities: Implication For Human Resources

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Ayodele, Kolawole Olanrewaju, PhD
Abiola O. Makinde, PhD
Uwannah Ngozi Caroline, PhD
Wright Olusegun Adekunle, PhD


Educational institutions that are committed to employees' wellness are often focused on the continuous improvement of the staff or workers' experience. This study empirically analyzed the organizational factors and employees' satisfaction in a private university in Nigeria with implications for human resources management. This study employed the descriptive research design type. Three hundred and eighty-eight participants selected through multi-stage stratified random sampling technique were used for the study. One main instrument was used in collecting data. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis of frequency counts, simple percentages and rank order. Results showed organizational factors (staff empowerment and development, staff enhancement and benefit, employee involvement) and employees' satisfaction have implications for human resources management. It was concluded that understanding university staff members' motivations and the degree to which the organization and contextual factors meet their needs is crucial, as they hold a crucial position in determining the efficacy, efficiency, and sustainability of educational systems.


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How to Cite
Ayodele, Kolawole Olanrewaju, PhD, Abiola O. Makinde, PhD, Uwannah Ngozi Caroline, PhD, & Wright Olusegun Adekunle, PhD. (2024). Organizational Factors And Employees’ Satisfaction In Nigeria Private Universities: Implication For Human Resources. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(6), 2820–2828.
Author Biographies

Ayodele, Kolawole Olanrewaju, PhD

Department of Education Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria, ORCID ID:

Abiola O. Makinde, PhD

Human Resources Department Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

Uwannah Ngozi Caroline, PhD

Department of Education Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria

Wright Olusegun Adekunle, PhD

Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria