Impact Of Organizational Communication On Employee Relations And Productivity Among Millennial And Gen Z At Workplace

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Prof. G Nikita
Peddy Sadhvi Reddy
Dr. Vasudevan Sundararajan


It is important that an organization thrives and expand, this can be done if it identifies the need to make sure that your employees are able to openly and honestly share their ideas and opinions with one another. Both the management and the employees play important roles in the company's success. According to a report by PwC in 2021, millennials and generation Z make up 38% of global workforce and this percentage is expected to rise to 58% by 2030. This research seeks to learn more about their perspectives on the workplace and examine whether or not these biases affect their efficiency and effectiveness. It was found that organizational communication affects employee relations when the employees are able to build a positive rapport with their managers, the relationship flourishes, thereby having no hindrances in the communication.

It was also observed that there are significant differences in how millennials and generation Z view their roles and responsibilities in the workplace. The primary goals of this research are (1) to assess the affect of organizational communication employee relations (2) to analyze if organizational communication affects employee relations and productivity and (3) to understand the current perception of employees about the organization that may affect productivity at workplace.


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How to Cite
Prof. G Nikita, Peddy Sadhvi Reddy, & Dr. Vasudevan Sundararajan. (2024). Impact Of Organizational Communication On Employee Relations And Productivity Among Millennial And Gen Z At Workplace. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 13100–13121.
Author Biographies

Prof. G Nikita

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Bengaluru, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), +91 8897710539

Peddy Sadhvi Reddy

MBA (Communication Management), Symbiosis School of Media and Communication, Bengaluru Symbiosis International (Deemed University)

Dr. Vasudevan Sundararajan

Professor, SCMS, Dayananda Sagar University