Exploring Relationships Among Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Performance, And Turnover In Banking

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I. Perpetua Jennifer
Dr. A. Pouline Juliet


Introduction: This study is determined to evaluate the way organisational commitment in the banking sector has influenced better performance, and job satisfaction of employees, which has impacted the turnover rate. Objectives have been set on the basis of that, along with the formation of research questions

Literature Review: A multitude of factors are available in the matter of job fulfilment among the workers in the banking fields. Improving job satisfaction among employees requires proper identification of the areas that require improvement. Providing competitive compensation to individual workers in the banking sector can help improve the motivation of employees for better performance.

Methodology: Data was collected through primary quantitative methods by conducting a survey. A questionnaire has been prepared, that consists of 3 demographic and 10 subject-oriented questions, which have been analysed in this study through the use of the SPSS analysing tool.

Findings and Analysis: Analysis of information reflects the hypothesis accepted here, and variables are auto-correlated. However, the person value shows that the strength correlation is slow to moderate.

Discussion: The correlation between variables here is positive, and the strength of this correlation is poor. This defines the power of each element in influencing others as moderate to low. Due to the interconnectedness of the variables, the positive attribute of one factor is highly valuable to ensure the other factor's positive response

Conclusion: It can be concluded that employees of the baking industry require proper organisational support for better performance. Bette performance can also be possible through better job satisfaction which also improves the organisational commitment.


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How to Cite
I. Perpetua Jennifer, & Dr. A. Pouline Juliet. (2024). Exploring Relationships Among Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Performance, And Turnover In Banking. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 4778–4791. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3699
Author Biographies

I. Perpetua Jennifer

MBA, M.Phil. Research Scholar, School of Management, KPR college of Arts science and research Coimbatore, Tamilnadu                                                  

Dr. A. Pouline Juliet

MBA. PGDCA, M.Phil. Ph. D. Associate Professor, School of Management, KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu