The Role Of Identity Politics In North-East India: A Qualitative Study Of Ethnic Conflict And Resolution

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Durllav Borah
Jayanta Madhab Borah


This research delves into the intricate dynamics of identity politics in North-East India, specifically exploring ethnic conflict and resolution through a qualitative lens. The study aims to address a significant literature gap by providing nuanced insights into the lived experiences, dialogues, and negotiations surrounding identity conflicts, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of the region's socio-cultural landscape. Employing a qualitative approach, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 30 participants from diverse ethnic backgrounds. Thematic analysis was applied to unravel key themes, including cultural affiliation, historical grievances, conflict triggers, coping mechanisms, and perspectives on resolution.

The findings reveal the interconnectedness of these themes, highlighting the profound influence of cultural ties, historical injustices, and triggers such as perceived marginalization. Coping mechanisms, including community dialogues and education initiatives, emerged as integral strategies, with participants advocating for inclusive policies and reconciliation efforts for resolution. The study fills a crucial literature gap by providing qualitative insights into conflict resolution mechanisms, moving beyond the identification of problems to offer practical pathways forward.

Implications of the research extend to policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in conflict resolution initiatives. Community-centric approaches, the role of education in fostering inclusivity, and the importance of neutral mediation are emphasized. The study contributes to a broader discourse on identity politics, offering not only a deeper understanding of North-East India's conflicts but also serving as a foundation for future research in similar conflict-prone regions.


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How to Cite
Durllav Borah, & Jayanta Madhab Borah. (2024). The Role Of Identity Politics In North-East India: A Qualitative Study Of Ethnic Conflict And Resolution. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 4974–4981.
Author Biographies

Durllav Borah


Assistant ProfessorNandalal Borgohain City College, Dibrugarh, Assam 

Jayanta Madhab Borah

Assistant Professor Kamarbandha College, Golaghat, Assam