Blended-Learning-Environment for Mathematical Skill Acquisition among Higher Education Learners Using Principal Compound Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling

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S. Bhuma Devi
Preeti Jain
Gargi Tyagi


The skills like observing, modelling, interpreting and utilizing the solutions for problem solving are learnable for the higher education learners. Mathematical-knowledge leads to cognitive development for HELs. Inhaling capacity of the above-mentioned skills among learners is possible through their cognitive development. Learning environment is one of the most key factor for Mathematics-learning. Based on sensitivity about attitude, engagement and formal and informal learning environments (for mathematics-learning), about two hundred and ten primary data had been collected and taken for this research work. Principal compound analysis machine learning technique has been opted to reduce the dimension. Insights of dimensionally reduced data has been discussed scientifically, especially about the learning environments, using Structural equation modelling.  Learners’ sentiment about the formal (or physical) learning environment has been observed from SEM with mediation effect. This effect on physical learning environment from performance through (social media-learning) informal Learning is 10.9%. But the absence of social media-learning in the path analysis is showing 1.8% effect on formal learning environment.  Results are indicating clearly, that the integration of informal aspect (Social Medias) in learning process is immediate need. Educational stake-holders should be promoted to adapt the innovation techniques by every educational institutions’ policy makers. Blended-learning environments could be created to improve the performance of learners in Mathematics subject. Integration of physical (formal) and virtual learning (learning through social media) is possible by the collaborative effort between educators and industries. The next generation learning could be enhanced through integration of three dimensional projectors in the form of internet application with learning facilities, which could be useful for rural area learners also.


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How to Cite
S. Bhuma Devi, Preeti Jain, & Gargi Tyagi. (2024). Blended-Learning-Environment for Mathematical Skill Acquisition among Higher Education Learners Using Principal Compound Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 5970–5977.
Author Biographies

S. Bhuma Devi

Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapith - 304022, Rajasthan, India

Preeti Jain

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapith - 304022, Rajasthan, India


Gargi Tyagi

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapith - 304022, Rajasthan, India