A Survey Of Elementary School Students’ Attitudes Towards English Language Learning In Manipur

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RK. Ratna Devi
Dr. K. Rashitombi Devi


This study investigates the attitudes of elementary school students in Manipur towards English language learning. The purposes of the present investigation were to identify the factors associated with students’ attitudes towards learning English and the perceived challenges faced by them while learning English, to investigate the differences in students' attitudes towards learning English based on demographic variables such as age, gender, and socio-economic background, and lastly to identify students’ preferences for improving English language learning in their schools. The sample consists of 200 students from various elementary schools in the region. A questionnaire was designed to assess students' attitudes toward learning English, including their motivation, interest, perceived usefulness, and enjoyment of the language. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design and quantitative data analysis techniques such as frequencies, percentages, and Chi-Square tests were used to analyze the data and examine the relationships between variables.  The results indicate that the majority of students have a positive attitude towards learning English, with many expressing high levels of motivation and enjoyment. However, some students also reported feeling anxious or lacking confidence in their English abilities. The findings have implications for language teaching practices in Manipur and highlight the importance of addressing students' attitudes and emotions towards language learning.


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How to Cite
RK. Ratna Devi, & Dr. K. Rashitombi Devi. (2024). A Survey Of Elementary School Students’ Attitudes Towards English Language Learning In Manipur. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 6667–6673. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.3990
Author Biographies

RK. Ratna Devi

Research Scholar, Department of Education, Manipur University, Canchipur. 

Dr. K. Rashitombi Devi

Associate Professor, Department of Education, Imphal College, Manipur.