An Analytical Study On The Level Of Job Burnout Among University Teachers On The Basis Of Their Designation

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Dr. Sonia Kaur Bansal
Md Salman Husain
Priyanka Tiwari
Samina Parvin


The present study deals with the level of job burnout among university teachers concerning their designation. To explore the findings related to job burnout among university teachers, the researcher took a sample of 300 teachers from both private and government universities. The researcher collected the data with the help of a job burnout questionnaire and a demographic data sheet. The teachers' responses on all 15 items of the job burnout questionnaire were recorded. Scores were obtained after the conduction of the tests and Mean, SD, and t-ratio were calculated. The study's main objectives were to study the level of job burnout in university teachers concerning their designation. The major findings of the study revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of job burnout in university teachers based on their designation. It was concluded that the assistant professors suffered from higher levels of job burnout than the professors and assistant professors of both government and private universities.




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How to Cite
Dr. Sonia Kaur Bansal, Md Salman Husain, Priyanka Tiwari, Samina Parvin, & Smriti. (2023). An Analytical Study On The Level Of Job Burnout Among University Teachers On The Basis Of Their Designation. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 29(4), 689–697.
Author Biographies

Dr. Sonia Kaur Bansal

Professor,Department of English Language and Soft Skills, Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur

Md Salman Husain

Assistant Professor, Management Education and Research Institute

Priyanka Tiwari

Assistant Professor of English, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, JECRC University, Jaipur

Samina Parvin

Assistant Professor of English, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, JECRC University, Jaipur


Assistant Professor of English, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, JECRC University, Jaipur