Predictor Of Multiple Intelligence In Educational Practice

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Hasanuddin , Salamiah Sari Dewi , Erlina Sari Siregar


The goal of this study was to put each thinking style's predictions on multiple intelligences to the test. Participants are Medan City teachers who were randomly assigned to a sample (n=810) multiple intelligence scale from Gardner (1983) totalling 63 items with a range of 5 scales and a thinking style questionnaire using the Sternberg-Wagner Self-Assessment Inventor from Sternberg (2009) totalling 65 items with a range of 5 scale ranges. Only six of the eight intelligences, such as Interpersonal, Visual-spatial, Bodily-kinaesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic-verbal, musical-rhythmic, and harmonic, can be predicted using thinking styles, according to the findings. Meanwhile, in this study, no thinking style can predict intrapersonal or natural. The research findings explain specific thinking styles.


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, Erlina Sari Siregar, H. , S. S. D. . (2022). Predictor Of Multiple Intelligence In Educational Practice. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 28(02), 49–56.