Examining The Effectiveness Of Green Marketing Communication On Consumer Behavior Towards Sustainable Purchases

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Ms. Nisha Gupta
Ms. Farzin Daruwalla


The role of Green Marketing Communication in influencing customers' green buying behavior is crucial, given the rising environmental consciousness and the increasing significance of sustainability in consumer decision-making. This foundation offers a comprehensive understanding of the main variables and reasons that influence customers' decision to purchase environmentally friendly products, as well as the impact of marketing communication on these decisions. GMC has become a crucial instrument in influencing customers' environmentally conscious buying habits, leading to a significant change in mindset towards sustainability. The article examined the various effects and sway of green marketing communication on customers, scrutinizing the fundamental factors that contribute to a more environmentally aware marketplace. The research examines the impact of green marketing on promoting greater environmental consciousness, establishing trust and credibility, molding customer opinions, gaining a competitive edge, influencing purchasing decisions, and encouraging more sustainable lives. The study aims to examine the determinants of effective green marketing communication and its influence on customers' attitudes and choices about environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, the study seeks to tackle obstacles such as the possible doubt caused by green washing and the significance of transparency in establishing customer confidence. Communicating sustainable and eco-friendly features fosters a sense of responsibility and consciousness among consumers, therefore impacting their purchase choices. Nevertheless, it is vital for organizations to guarantee openness and authenticity in their green marketing endeavors in order to establish trust and confidence. As consumers grow more aware of their environmental footprint, the use of green marketing communication is expected to remain important in promoting sustainable consumption habits and facilitating progress towards a more environmentally friendly and eco-conscious future.


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How to Cite
Ms. Nisha Gupta, & Ms. Farzin Daruwalla. (2024). Examining The Effectiveness Of Green Marketing Communication On Consumer Behavior Towards Sustainable Purchases. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 6861–6868. https://doi.org/10.53555/kuey.v30i5.4055
Author Biographies

Ms. Nisha Gupta

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Vidyalankar School of Information Technology. 

Ms. Farzin Daruwalla

Visiting Faculty, Department of SFC, L.S. Raheja college of Arts and Commerce.