Relationship Between Mindfulness And Aggression Among Students: A Critical Study

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Dr. Rubina Anjum


Aggression as a part of human behaviour is increasing among youngsters especially students which includes temperament issues, rage, high risk behaviours. To find out the relationship among mindfulness and aggression a study was conducted to find out the relation between aggression and mindfulness in which 100 students were included studying in Senior Secondary. Research was descriptive in nature; Aggression scale by G.P. Mathur and Raj Kumar Bhatnagar and Mindful attention awareness scale for data collection and analysis were used. Results revealed that Mindfulness shown promising effects to lessen the aggression. It is a high possibility that more the mindfulness is, more regulated the emotions are.


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How to Cite
Jyoti, & Dr. Rubina Anjum. (2024). Relationship Between Mindfulness And Aggression Among Students: A Critical Study. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 6907–6911.
Author Biographies


Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, CT University, Ludhiana-142024, Punjab 

Dr. Rubina Anjum

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, CT University, Ludhiana-142024, Punjab