Digital Delight: Unveiling The Keys To Customer Satisfaction Online

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G. Geetha
Dr. F. Elayaraja


This research, conducted in Thanjavur, aims to explore the factors influencing online customer satisfaction, focusing on website functionality, perceived usability, and perceived usefulness. The study utilizes a sample size of 250 participants, and the sampling technique employed is systematic random sampling. Through comprehensive data analysis techniques, including correlation analysis, reliability testing, multiple regression, and ANOVA, the research seeks to unravel the intricate relationships and impacts of these variables on customer satisfaction in the specific context of the Thanjavur region. The findings aim to provide actionable insights for local businesses and website developers, tailoring online platforms to enhance customer satisfaction and improve the digital experience for residents in the Thanjavur area.


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How to Cite
G. Geetha, & Dr. F. Elayaraja. (2024). Digital Delight: Unveiling The Keys To Customer Satisfaction Online. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7083–7090.
Author Biographies

G. Geetha

Research Scholar in Commerce, Bharath College of Science and Management, (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli), Thanjavur – 613 005, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. F. Elayaraja

Research Advisor and Assistant professor of Commerce, T.U.K Arts and Science College, Karanthai, (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli), Thanjavur – 613 002, Tamil Nadu, India.