Viveka Character,true Conscience Of the Pala-Art-Form Of India:A Cultural Analysis

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Dr Tridib kr Goswami


The performance of pálá-gán begins with a prayer offered to god Ganesa. It follows by the entrance of a character known as Viveka. Viveka seems to be the main character of this performance who plays significant role in the growth of the story or the pala. The word Viveka means conscience², the inner power of man, his ability to select and capacity to reject, the faculty of discriminating between right and wrong.

The entire event i.e., the story of a pálá-art moves from beginning to ending by the skillful acting, dancing, and singing of Viveka. This character is always played by a young girl³. In some places, it is also seen that this Viveka character is acted by a boy of eleven or twelve years. This Viveka character is selected observing his/her ability in acting, dancing and singing. At the same time this character should possess a good complexation and a slim body structure.This character may rightly be compared with the Oja of the Ojapali-art-form or the Sutradhara of the e Ankiya-bháoná or Viveka of yatra performance. Viveka indicates and directs both the entrance and exit of various characters. This character also proclaims of the merit of seeing and hearing of the story or the incidents performed by this performance.

The dress of Viveka character is very uncommon. The character wears a turban which shape is like a boat or a peacock at its posture. The colour of the dress is yellow or red which covers up to the feet and which are ornamented with nupur. Both the hands and arms are decorated with yellow or red colour handkerchief. The character takes a blaze on his forehead. He also wears a shoe made of cloth, and wears ear-ring, finger ring and garland at his neck.


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How to Cite
Dr Tridib kr Goswami. (2024). Viveka Character,true Conscience Of the Pala-Art-Form Of India:A Cultural Analysis. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 30(5), 7169–7171.
Author Biography

Dr Tridib kr Goswami

Selection Grade professor in English Batadraba Sri Sri Sankaradev College. Nagaon: Assam

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